13 May 2020
Thermal Mapping, Validation

Supporting the Covid 19 Vaccine Effort in Providing Critical Qualification Support

COVID-19 vaccine vial with labeled syringes and caps arranged on a clean surface

Valcomm Supports COVID-19 Vaccine Storage and Distribution Qualification During Critical Early Pandemic Response

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Valcomm played a pivotal role in supporting the qualification efforts for vaccine storage and distribution, ensuring critical facilities met the highest standards of compliance and safety.

During the early stages of the pandemic, the urgent need for safe and effective vaccine storage and transportation was paramount. Leveraging our expertise in validation, calibration, and compliance, Valcomm worked closely with key stakeholders to qualify storage and distribution equipment, ensuring that vaccines remained within the strict temperature parameters required to maintain efficacy.

Our team conducted rigorous temperature mapping, equipment validation, and compliance assessments across essential storage and transport hubs, safeguarding the integrity of the vaccines as they moved through the supply chain. This effort was critical in maintaining regulatory compliance and ensuring that life-saving vaccines reached frontline healthcare providers and vulnerable populations safely.

Valcomm is proud to have contributed to this global healthcare initiative, reinforcing our commitment to supporting pharmaceutical and life sciences industries in their mission to protect public health.

For more information on our expertise in vaccine storage and compliance solutions, contact us today.

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COVID-19 vaccine vial with labeled syringes and caps arranged on a clean surface