1 June 2023
Thermal Mapping, Validation

Sierra Leone – Ebola

Vaccinator wearing a yellow vest and face mask, carrying a portable vaccine cooler in a rural African setting, giving a thumbs up.

Valcomm Supports Ebola Vaccine Effort in Sierra Leone and West Africa

Valcomm is proud to have played a crucial role in supporting the Ebola vaccine effort in Sierra Leone and West Africa, working in partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Our team provided expert validation and compliance services to ensure that all storage and transport facilities met the stringent requirements for vaccine storage and distribution.

With vaccines requiring precise temperature control to maintain their effectiveness, Valcomm’s expertise in validation, calibration, and compliance was instrumental in ensuring that all equipment across the supply chain operated within the necessary regulatory standards. From cold storage units to transportation systems, our team conducted rigorous assessments and compliance checks, safeguarding the integrity of the vaccines throughout their journey.

This collaboration highlights Valcomm’s commitment to global healthcare initiatives, ensuring life-saving vaccines reach those in need under optimal conditions. We are honoured to have contributed to such a vital project, reinforcing our expertise in supporting critical pharmaceutical and life sciences missions.

For more information on how Valcomm supports global healthcare and compliance solutions, contact us today.

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Vaccinator wearing a yellow vest and face mask, carrying a portable vaccine cooler in a rural African setting, giving a thumbs up.